Looking to Update your Maps?
If you already have a Rand Tablet and are looking to update your maps:
Head to the ‘Map and Software Updates‘ section in the Rand McNally Support Center. Select your device from the drop down for update instructions.

We're Here to Help
Contact Rand Driver Support if you need assistance with Map Updates
An Important Note About Map Updates
Terms and Conditions
The Map Updates feature provides for map data to be updated when available, for the useful life of the device originally purchased with this feature. A product’s “useful life” is defined as the period during which the product 1) has sufficient memory and technical capabilities to accept updated map data and features, 2) can be operated without major defects or needed repairs. Additionally, Rand McNally will not make updates available for any product that Rand McNally, in its discretion, has designated “end of life,” which designation may occur at any time after the 24-month anniversary of the launch of the applicable product model.
Map updates are not transferable to another person or another Rand McNally product. Map updates provided by the feature apply only to the same geographic map data as originally included on the specific Rand McNally device at time of original purchase.
Device owners are required to register their device in order to be eligible for Map Updates.
Rand McNally may modify these terms and conditions from time to time in respect to Map Updates for previously issued products.